Tuesday 9 March 2010

A Light in the Piazza...


After being delayed at the airport in Madrid for nearly 3 hours, I finally caught some zzz’s on the plane ride over to Italy. In truth, I fell asleep over a stunning sunny Spanish landscape of vivid greens and reds that came in waves through the rolling white fluffy clouds. I think there were angels bouncing on them. You know, those kind.

When I awoke, there was literally a blue mountain in front of me in a dusky Italia. We were coming in for a landing, and I saw no airport in sight…only mountains. With a bit of a start, I woke up all the way to see that no one else seemed nervous, so I better sit back down. We landed quite delicately, I put my heart back where it belonged in my chest, and continued on to my second leg of the Tour: Florence.

Upon arriving to the Santa Maria Novella train station, I attempted to locate my hostel in the dark and rainy winding streets with a 40 pound suitcase, a full purse and my laptop swinging. With no Italian under my belt, and no travel buddy beside me, I was a drench, tired, lost American girl with a heavy suitcase and no sense of where to go. After a little bit of wandering, I found my place nice and easily.

Arriving at the hostel, I had a bit of hesitation, since it was down a dark street and there were vespas coming at me from every direction. No problem though….that is..until check in.

“Ah, yes. You’ll be in the Annexe. It’s across the piazza there, and up the stairs. Floor 3.”

“Right, and I can take the lift?”

“Ah..no. No lift. Eet is no work anymore!”


So, I crossed the piazza, and found a door that didn’t open that looked like a promising entrance to a warm building (since I was soaked, tired, and snow was predicted for the next day). Then, I saw the most horrible staircase…essentially a metal fire escape that went three floors up. No, said I, couldn’t be! So, I dragged my suitcase, laptop and full purse up about 20 metal steps that seemed to have absolutely no support, only to find out that this was wrong, and I had woken up just about everyone in Florence with my suitcase and weak arms.

Eventually, I found the loveliest room a girl could ask for, and my stay in Firenze began with a great start: catching up with Kerri over pizza and vino! After the longest separation in 12 years, Kerri and I had a delicious dinner and it was so wonderful to receive yet another warm welcome in a foreign land.

Happy Travels,

(Buon Viaggio!)


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